Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mark - K-Rome

"I want to give a shout out to Nero Negro and Little Boots! This empire will never burn!"

All Bark, No Bite -d4- K-Rome is more than willing to push around underlings, syncophants and desperate artists willing to anything to make it big. But anytime he comes up against someone with a hint of backbone, he folds.

Arrogant Self-Promoter: -d12-  K-Rome is an aggressive salesman without rival. He has pushed his brand into every market conceivable, from K-Runk energy drinks to K-Real organic seafood in your grocer's freezer. Those he can't over through force of personality he plies with his vast resources.

Media Mogul -d12- K-Rome's rise to the top of the rap game has been nothing short of meteoric. He has an ear for talent, an eye for spectacle, and knows to to spend money to make even more money. He has producer credits on the majority of the year's top albums and those he doesn't have he's released top singles with those artists.

Roman History Buff -d8- K-Rome majored in history and quickly developed a love of Roman history. He took inspiration for creating his own empire from the first great Western empire. The symbol for his empire is a platinum laurel wreath. His New Year's Eve bashes typically embody this theme, featuring designer togas, sexy dancers in gladiator gear and other touches that combine the decadence of today with the spectacle of old.

Wannabe Gangster -d4- K-Rome's real name is Wallace Endicott. He was born in Danbury, Connecticut and attended the University of Massachusetts - Amherst for two years before dropping out and starting a record company with a loan from his parents. His posturing and his foul-mouthed demeanor are part of his image. Real rap fans know he's fake but his influence on the record industry is inescapable.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mark - Isaac Adeniji

"A chicken's prayer does not move the hawk."
Blood Diamonds -d4- Isaac escaped Nigeria with almost two million dollars worth of blood diamonds. He is selling them to K-Rome at a deep cash discount to fund his return to his country. He will use the money to buy guns, hire soldiers and bribe officials to take back what he believes is his.

Man Without A Country -d4- Issac was run out of Nigeria by a coalition of his rivals and a newly elected government looking to make an example. He needs money to return to the life he carved out for himself, but while in New York he has no friends other than those he can buy or intimidate.

Nigerian Warlord -d12- Issac was taught how to kill when he was five years old. He climbed the ranks until he was the one teaching children how to shoot and die for him. He's hijacked food drops, shot up UN delegations and locked missionaries in their churches before setting them on fire because they hid his enemies.

Religious Tattoos -d8- He spent a lot of time holed up in churches and taught himself to speak English using the Bible. He's studied multiple religions in between campaigns, looking for the answer to a simple question - If God exists, why are men like him allowed to live?

Ruthless -d12- Adeniji is not a man to be crossed. Those who do die slowly and those who best him earn an enemy for life. He gives off the intimidating aura of a man who knows how to do terrible things to you with any object in the room.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Coming in January

Welcome to my blog for Sabotage, a role-playing game using the Leverage RPG from Margaret Weis Press.

A mysterious figure in Crime World is looking to pull off the Crime of the Century. He needs the best Crew in the world to do it, so he's holding a competition to find the world's best Grifter, Hacker, Hitter, Mastermind and Thief. The crews will dash around the world, outfoxing the law and each other to become the best of the bad.

Our first game is January 7th. Check back here for character profiles, episode summaries and more!